What Is A Matchmaker?

A Matchmaker event provides visibility and enables a dialogue between buyers and the small business community. As some may say, speed dating for Small Businesses!

Follow the roadmap below to make it a successful business experience that will convince you that matchmaking is the most efficient way to make new business contacts.


1.  What to Do Before the Event

Keep up to date on upcoming Matchmakers in the New England and New York State areas by checking the DoD Northeast Regional Council (NERC) website.  If you have not attended a Matchmaker before, contact your PTAC/PTAP -- they offer specific training that may be invaluable.  

2.  Go to the Matchmaker Website

Look at the list of the prime contractors and agencies who will be attending the Matchmaker. These are the businesses to which you will market. Visit their websites for more information and check the council website often as the list of primes will expand.

3.  Complete Market Research

Once again, the websites for each prime contractor are the best source to determine whether they might be candidates for your service or product. Remember, use your time wisely!

4.  IMPORTANT - Prepare Effective Marketing

Remember to bring with you brochures, business cards and capability statements. No bulky notebooks or samples. Also, make sure your website is up to date before giving out the address.

5.  Contact Local PTAC/PTAP

Let them know you are attending - why not meet and update your client information prior to the event?

6.  Update Registrations

System for Award Management (SAM), Dynamic Small Business Search (DSBS), Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA), etc.  You MUST be registered in SAM to do business with Federal agencies and most prime contractors.

7.  Register for the Event

While you’re at it, sign up for the free training! Registration is online and easy, however space is limited. You’ll need a credit card to register.